1961 Fleer Baseball Greats  card back 1961 Fleer Baseball Greats  card front

1961 Fleer Baseball Greats

Checklist/Values/Prices Guide/Set Info/Information

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out 1961 Fleer  - Lot of (48) different with ALL-TIME HALL-of-FAME GREATS !!! 1961 Fleer - Lot of (48) different with ALL-TIME HALL-of-FAME GREATS !!!
Nearly ever card a Hall-of-Famer !!! Walter Johnson, Rogers Hornsby, Ralph Kiner, Lefty Grove, (2) scarce Hi#s...
Add to cart 1961 Fleer  - STARTER Set/Lot of (44) different 1961 Fleer - STARTER Set/Lot of (44) different   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT]
With a nice Ty Cobb and very nice Bob Feller...
$ 114.95
out 1961 Fleer  - STARTER Set/Lot of (xx) different 1961 Fleer - STARTER Set/Lot of (xx) different
With a nice Ty Cobb and very nice Bob Feller...
Add to cart 1961 Fleer  - TINKERS to EVERS to CHANCE - 3-card Lot [#] (Cubs) 1961 Fleer - TINKERS to EVERS to CHANCE - 3-card Lot [#] (Cubs)   [EX]
Complete Cubs infield double-play trio made famous by 1910 poem 'Baseball's Sad Lexicon'. Tinkers card is from the scarce 2nd series.
$ 9.95
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #  1 Checklist [#] (pictures Ty Cobb/Zack Wheat/Frank Baker) 1961 Fleer # 1 Checklist [#] (pictures Ty Cobb/Zack Wheat/Frank Baker)   [VG, UNMARKED !!!]
Checklist on back is unmarked !!! Decent corners but there is heavy scuffing on front.
$ 14.95
out 1961 Fleer # 2 Grover Cleveland Alexander
Select » 1961 Fleer # 3 Nick Altrock
Add to cart no image [NM $4.95]

Add to cart no image [ExMt to NM $3.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #  4 Cap Anson 1961 Fleer # 4 Cap Anson   [NEAR MINT] $ 5.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 5 Earl Averill (Indians)
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Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $3.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 6 Frank 'Home Run' Baker (Philadelphia A's)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 7 Dave Bancroft
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 8 Chief Bender (Pirates)
Bender was a real Indian !
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Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 9 Jim Bottomley
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Add to cart  [NM $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 10 Roger Bresnahan
Add to cart no image [ExMt to NM $4.95]

Add to cart no image [ExMt to NM $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 11 Mordecai 'Three-Finger' Brown
Add to cart  [NM/MT to MINT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]
out 1961 Fleer # 12 Max Carey
Select » 1961 Fleer # 13 Jack Chesbro
Back of card mentions his All-Time record-hold for wins in a season with his 41-12 record in 1904 with the Yankees.
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $8.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 14 Ty Cobb (Tigers)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 14 Ty Cobb [#] (Tigers) [NM/MT to MINT $95]

Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 14 Ty Cobb [#] (Tigers) [NM/MT $75]

Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 14 Ty Cobb [#] (Tigers) [NM to NM/MT $49.95]

Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 14 Ty Cobb [#] (Tigers) [NM $39.95]

Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 14 Ty Cobb [#] (Tigers) [ExMt to NM $35]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 15 Mickey Cochrane (Tigers)
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Add to cart  [EX to ExMt $2.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 16 Eddie Collins
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $4.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 17 Earle Combs (Yankees)
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Add to cart no image [NM $5.95]
out 1961 Fleer # 18 Charles Comiskey
Started out as a 1st baseman, moved on to manager and ended up as owner of the Chicago White Sox. The Sox stadium was named after him.
Select » 1961 Fleer # 19 Ki Ki Cuyler
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

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Select » 1961 Fleer # 20 Paul Derringer (Reds)
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Select » 1961 Fleer # 21 Howard Ehmke
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Add to cart no image [NM $4.95]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 22 Billy Evans
Evans is regarded as the #1 umpire in the history of the American League.
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Select » 1961 Fleer # 23 Johnny Evers (Cubs)
Part of the famous 'Tinkers to Evers to Chance' doubleplay combo.
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Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 24 Urban 'Red' Faber
Faber was one of the last spit-ball pitchers in baseball. Front of card pictures 'Red' laying on some of his juice !!!
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $11.95]

Add to cart  [NM $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 25 Bob Feller (Indians)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 25 Bob Feller [#] (Indians) [NM/MT to MINT $24.95]

Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 25 Bob Feller [#] (Indians) [ExMt to NM $14.95]

Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 25 Bob Feller [#] (Indians) [ExMt $11.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 26 Wes Ferrell (Senators)
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Add to cart no image [NM $4.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 27 Lew Fonseca
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $8.95]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $4.95]

Add to cart  [NM $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 28 Jimmie Foxx (Cubs)
Foxx's best years were with the Tigers and Red Sox.
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Add to cart  [NM $11.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 29 Ford Frick
National League president for 16 years before becoming Commissioner of baseball.
Add to cart  [NM/MT to MINT $9.95]

Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 30 Frankie Frisch (Pirates)
Best known for his years with the Cardinals.
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Add to cart  [NM/MT to MINT $9.95]

Add to cart  [NM/MT $9.95]

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Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 31 Lou Gehrig [#] (Yankees) 1961 Fleer # 31 Lou Gehrig [#] (Yankees)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 85
Select » 1961 Fleer # 32 Charley Gehringer
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Add to cart  [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 33 Warren Giles (N.L. President)
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Add to cart no image [NM $4.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 34 Lefty Gomez (Yankees) 1961 Fleer # 34 Lefty Gomez (Yankees)   [NM/MINT] $ 9.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 35 Goose Goslin (St. Louis Browns)
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Add to cart  [NM $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 36 Clark Griffith
Owner and President of the Washington Senators.
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Add to cart no image [NM/MT $8.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 37 Burleigh Grimes
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Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $4.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 38 Lefty Grove (Red Sox)
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Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.95]

Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 39 Chick Hafey
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $8.95]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $5.95]

Add to cart  [NM $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 40 Jesse Haines (Cardinals)
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Select » 1961 Fleer # 41 Gabby Hartnett (Cubs)
Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 42 Harry Heilmann (Cubs) 1961 Fleer # 42 Harry Heilmann (Cubs)   [NEAR MINT] $ 5.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 43 Rogers Hornsby (Cubs)
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Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $7.95]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 44 Waite Hoyt
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $6.50]

Add to cart no image [NM $4.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 45 Carl Hubbell (New York Giants)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $17.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 46 Miller Huggins
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $7.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 47 Hughie Jennings
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Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 48 Ban Johnson
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Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 49 Walter Johnson (Indians)
Pictured with the Indians, his best seasons were with the Senators.
Add to cart  [NM/MT to MINT $24.95]

Add to cart  [NM/MT $19.95]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $14.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 50 Ralph Kiner (Cubs)
Had his best seasons with the Pirates.
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $15.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $11.95]

Add to cart  [NM $8.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 51 Chuck Klein (Cubs)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $14.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $6.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT 20/80 l/r $4.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 52 Johnny Kling
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Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.95]

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Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $3.50]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 53 Kenesaw M. 'Judge' Landis 1961 Fleer # 53 Kenesaw M. 'Judge' Landis   [NM/MINT to MINT] $ 11.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 54 Tony Lazzeri (Cubs)
Had his best seasons as part of the Yankees 'Murders Row'. Set minor league records of 60 Home Runs and 222 RBI's in a season.
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $12.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 55 Ernie Lombardi
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 56 Dolf Luque (Reds)
One of the games early Cuban stars !
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Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $6.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $6.95]

Add to cart no image [ExMt to NM $4.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 57 Heinie Manush (Senators) 1961 Fleer # 57 Heinie Manush (Senators)   [NEAR MINT] $ 5.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 58 Marty Marion (White Sox)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 59 Christy Mathewson (New York Giants)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $19.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $14.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 60 John McGraw
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $8.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $4.50]

Add to cart no image [NM $3.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 61 Joe 'Ducky' Medwick (Cardinals)
Add to cart  [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

Add to cart  [NM/MT $8.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 62 Edmund 'Bing' Miller
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 63 Johnny Mize (New York Giants)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $8.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 64 John Mostil
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $4.50]

Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $3.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 65 Art Nehf
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 66 Hal Newhouser (Tigers)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $7.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 67 Bobo Newsom (Philadelphia A's)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $5.95]

Add to cart  [NM $4.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 68 Mel Ott (New York Giants)   [NEAR MINT] $ 8.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 69 Allie Reynolds (Yankees)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $11.95]

Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 70 Sam Rice (Senators)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $4.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 71 Eppa Rixey (Reds)
Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $5.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $3.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 72 Edd Roush (Reds)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart no image [NM $3.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 73 Schoolboy Rowe (Tigers)   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT] $ 5.95
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 74 Red Ruffing (White Sox) 1961 Fleer # 74 Red Ruffing (White Sox)   [NM/MINT] $ 7.50
out 1961 Fleer # 75 Babe Ruth [#PSA-6] (Yankees) 1961 Fleer # 75 Babe Ruth [#PSA-6] (Yankees)
Looks like an 8 ??? The last 2 PSA-6's on eBay SOLD for $126 and $154.
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 75 Babe Ruth [#] (Yankees) 1961 Fleer # 75 Babe Ruth [#] (Yankees)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT]
The light scuffing saves you hundreds of dollars.
$ 125
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 75 Babe Ruth [#] (Yankees) 1961 Fleer # 75 Babe Ruth [#] (Yankees)   [EX/MINT] $ 99.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 76 Joe Sewell (Yankees)
Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $5.95]

Add to cart  [ExMt $4.94]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 77 Al Simmons (Reds)
Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 78 George Sisler
Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [ExMt $2.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 79 Tris Speaker
Add to cart  [NM/MT $8.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 80 Fred Toney (Cubs)
Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM $4.95]

Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $3.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 81 Dazzy Vance (Reds)
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Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $3.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 82 Jim 'Hippo' Vaughn (Cubs)
Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $4.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 83 'Big' Ed Walsh (White Sox)
Add to cart no image [NM $4.95]

Add to cart  [NM $4.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 84 Lloyd 'Little Poison' Waner (Pirates) 1961 Fleer # 84 Lloyd 'Little Poison' Waner (Pirates)   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT]
Played with brother Paul 'Big Poison' for 14 seasons ! 5,611 hits is All-Time brothers duo record ! Only brothers in Hall-of-Fame !
$ 5.95
Select » 1961 Fleer # 85 Paul 'Big Poison' Waner (Pirates)
Played with brother Lloyd 'Little Poison' for 14 seasons ! 5,611 hits is All-Time brothers duo record ! Only brothers in Hall-of-Fame !
Add to cart  [NM $5.95]

Add to cart  [EX to ExMt $2.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 86 Zack Wheat
Add to cart  [NM/MT $7.50]

Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $5.50]

Add to cart  [NM $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 87 Hack Wilson (Cubs)
Hall-of-Famer still holds the Major League record with 190 RBI's in 1930.
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Add to cart  [ExMt $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer # 88 Jimmy Wilson
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Add to cart  [ExMt $3.50]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 89 Checklist [#] (pictures George Sisler and Pie Traynor) 1961 Fleer # 89 Checklist [#] (pictures George Sisler and Pie Traynor)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT]
UNMARKED checklist on back !!!
$ 55
out 1961 Fleer # 90 Babe Adams SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Pirates)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer # 91 Dale Alexander SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Tigers)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 5.95
out 1961 Fleer # 92 Jim Bagby SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer # 92 Jim Bagby SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
out 1961 Fleer # 93 Ossie Bluege SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer # 93 Ossie Bluege SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
out 1961 Fleer # 94 Lou Boudreau SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Cubs)
Select » 1961 Fleer # 95 Tommy Bridges SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Tigers)
Add to cart  [ExMt $6.50]

Add to cart  [ExMt $5.50]
out 1961 Fleer # 96 Donie Bush SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
out 1961 Fleer # 97 Dolph Camilli SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
out 1961 Fleer # 98 Frank Chance SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer # 98 Frank Chance SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Part of the famous Cubs doubleplay trio of Tinkers-to-Evers-to-Chance.
out 1961 Fleer # 99 Jimmy Collins SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Select » 1961 Fleer #100 Stan Coveleskie SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $12.50]

Add to cart no image [EX $4.95]
out 1961 Fleer #101 Hugh Critz SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer #101 Hugh Critz SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
out 1961 Fleer #102 Alvin 'General' Crowder SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Tigers)
Select » 1961 Fleer #103 Joe Dugan SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Add to cart no image [ExMt $5.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #104 Bibb Falk SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 6.50
Select » 1961 Fleer #105 Rick Ferrell SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (St. Louis Browns)
Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $12.50]

Add to cart  [ExMt $7.50]
out 1961 Fleer #106 Art Fletcher SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Yankees) 1961 Fleer #106 Art Fletcher SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Yankees)
Select » 1961 Fleer #107 Dennis Galehouse SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
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Add to cart  [ExMt to NM $5.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #108 Chick Galloway SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 6.95
out 1961 Fleer #109 Mule Haas SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's) 1961 Fleer #109 Mule Haas SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #110 Stan Hack SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [NEAR MINT] $ 7.95
Select » 1961 Fleer #111 Bump Hadley SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Yankees)
Add to cart  [EX $4.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer #112 Billy Hamilton SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
'Sliding Billy Hamilton' had 117, 102 & 115 in a 3-year span.
Add to cart no image [NM $9.95]

Add to cart  [ExMt $6.95]

Add to cart  [EX $3.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer #113 Joe Hauser SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's)
I bet you've never heard of him. Would you believe he had 63 and 69 Home Run seasons in the minors !!!
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $14.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $8.95]
out 1961 Fleer #114 Babe Herman SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Reds) 1961 Fleer #114 Babe Herman SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Reds)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #115 Travis Jackson SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (New York Giants) 1961 Fleer #115 Travis Jackson SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (New York Giants)   [EX/MINT] $ 7.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #116 Eddie Joost SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's) 1961 Fleer #116 Eddie Joost SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's)   [EX/MINT] $ 5.95
out 1961 Fleer #117 Addie Joss SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer #117 Addie Joss SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #118 Joe Judge SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Senators) 1961 Fleer #118 Joe Judge SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Senators)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 6.95
out 1961 Fleer #119 Joe Kuhel SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Senators)
out 1961 Fleer #120 Napoleon Lajoie SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #121 Dutch Leonard SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Dodgers)   [EX/MINT] $ 5.50
out 1961 Fleer #122 Ted Lyons SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (White Sox)
out 1961 Fleer #123 Connie Mack SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Started as a major league catcher and ended up manager of the Philadelphia A's for 50 years !!!
Select » 1961 Fleer #124 Rabbit Maranville SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Pirates)
Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $14.95]

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out 1961 Fleer #125 Fred Marberry SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Tigers)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #126 Joe McGinnity SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer #126 Joe McGinnity SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT]
He earned his nickname 'Iron Man', pitched 2 complete games in a day 5 times, also a record 434 innings pitched in a season ...
$ 12.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #127 Oscar Melillo SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (St. Louis Browns)   [NEAR MINT] $ 7.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #128 Ray Mueller SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Reds)   [EX/MINT,prt spots] $ 3.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #129 Kid Nichols SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's)   [EX/MINT] $ 7.50
Select » 1961 Fleer #130 Lefty O'Doul SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Add to cart no image [ExMt to NM $8.50]

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Select » 1961 Fleer #131 Bob O'Farrell SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Reds)
Add to cart  [NM to NM/MT $14.95]

Add to cart  [ExMt $7.50]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #132 Roger Peckinpaugh SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Indians) 1961 Fleer #132 Roger Peckinpaugh SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Indians)   [EX/MINT] $ 5.95
Select » 1961 Fleer #133 Herb Pennock SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Yankees)
Add to cart no image [EX/EX+ $5.95]

Add to cart no image [EX $4.95]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #134 George Pipgras SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Red Sox)   [EX] $ 3.50
out 1961 Fleer #135 Eddie Plank SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's) 1961 Fleer #135 Eddie Plank SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Philadelphia A's)
Select » 1961 Fleer #136 Ray Schalk SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
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Add to cart  [EX $4.50]
Select » 1961 Fleer #137 Hal Schumacher SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Yankees)
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $14.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $9.95]
out 1961 Fleer #138 Luke Sewell SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer #138 Luke Sewell SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #139 Bob Shawkey SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer #139 Bob Shawkey SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [NEAR MINT]
His best days were pitching for the Yankees with Babe Ruth.
$ 7.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #140 Riggs Stephenson SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [NM/MINT 20/80 l/r] $ 7.50
out 1961 Fleer #141 Billy Sullivan SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (White Sox) 1961 Fleer #141 Billy Sullivan SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (White Sox)
Select » 1961 Fleer #142 Bill Terry SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (NEW YORK Giants)
Add to cart no image [NM $15.95]

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Add to cart 1961 Fleer #143 Joe Tinker SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Cubs)   [EX/EX+]
Part of the famous Tinkers-to-Evers-to-Chase double-play trio !
$ 5.95
Select » 1961 Fleer #144 Pie Traynor SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Pirates)
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Add to cart  [EX $7.50]
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #145 Hal Trosky SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Indians) 1961 Fleer #145 Hal Trosky SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Indians)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 6.95
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #146 George Uhle SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [EX to EX/MINT] $ 3.95
out 1961 Fleer #147 Johnny VanderMeer SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Reds) 1961 Fleer #147 Johnny VanderMeer SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Reds)
The only pitcher to ever pitch BACK-TO-BACK NO-HITTERS (1938) !!!
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #148 Arky Vaughan SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Pirates) 1961 Fleer #148 Arky Vaughan SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Pirates)   [EX to EX/MINT] $ 5.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #149 Rube Waddell SCARCER HIGH NUMBER   [EX to EX/MINT] $ 5.95
out 1961 Fleer #150 Honus Wagner SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Pirates)
out 1961 Fleer #151 Dixie Walker SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Dodgers)
out 1961 Fleer #152 Ted Williams SCARCER HIGH NUMBER (Red Sox)
Add to cart 1961 Fleer #153 Cy Young SCARCER HIGH NUMBER [#] 1961 Fleer #153 Cy Young SCARCER HIGH NUMBER [#]   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT]
Wearing suit & hat he looks like an insurance salesman (not that there's anything wrong with that) rather than a Hall-of-Fame pitcher !
$ 39.95
out 1961 Fleer #154 Ross Youngs SCARCER HIGH NUMBER 1961 Fleer #154 Ross Youngs SCARCER HIGH NUMBER
Last card in the set - makes it tougher to find in higher grades.
out 1961 Fleer World Champion Pennant Decals - 1941 NY YANKEES vs Dodgers 1961 Fleer World Champion Pennant Decals - 1941 NY YANKEES vs Dodgers
Relatively scarce insert in 1961 Fleer packs. Nice Near Mint corners but has a crease.
1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - ------------------------
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Milwaukee Braves 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Milwaukee Braves   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT] $ 9.95
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - St. Louis Cardinals 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - St. Louis Cardinals
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Chicago Cubs 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Chicago Cubs   [NM/MINT] $ 11.95
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Los Angeles Dodgers 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Los Angeles Dodgers   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT] $ 9.95
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - San Francisco Giants 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - San Francisco Giants   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT] $ 7.50
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Philadelphia Phillies 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Philadelphia Phillies   [NM/MINT] $ 8.95
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Pittsburgh Pirates 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Pittsburgh Pirates
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - A's/Athletics 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - A's/Athletics
Select » 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Los Angeles Angels
Add to cart no image [NM/MT to MINT $9.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $5.95]
Select » 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Cleveland Indians
Add to cart no image [NM/MT $19.95]

Add to cart no image [NM to NM/MT $14.95]

Add to cart no image [NM $9.95]
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Baltimore Orioles 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Baltimore Orioles
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Boston Red Sox 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Boston Red Sox   [NEAR MINT to NM/MINT] $ 9.95
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Washington Senators 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Washington Senators   [NM/MINT] $ 9.95
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Detroit Tigers 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Detroit Tigers
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Minnesota Twins 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Minnesota Twins   [NM/MINT] $ 9.95
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Chicago White Sox
Add to cart 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - New York Yankees 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - New York Yankees   [NM/MINT to MINT] $ 19.95
out 1961 Fleer Team Logo Decals - Cincinnati Redlegs (Reds)
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