1963 Kahns Wieners

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*** 1963 Kahns Wieners FB ***
These must be scarce as the least expensive one listed on eBay is $19.99.
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 1 Bill Barnes
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 2 Erich Barnes
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 3 Dick Bass
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 4 Don Bosseler
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 5 Jim Brown
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 6 Roger Brown (Lions) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 6 Roger Brown (Lions)
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 7 Roosevelt Brown
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 8 Ronnie Bull
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football # 9 Preston Carpenter
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #10 Frank Clarke
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #11 Gail Cogdill (Lions) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #11 Gail Cogdill (Lions)
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #12 Bobby Joe Conrad
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #13 John David Crow
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #14 Dan Currie
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #15 Buddy Dial
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #16 Mike Ditka
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #17 Fred Dugan
Add to cart 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #18 Galen Fiss (Browns) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #18 Galen Fiss (Browns)   [EX/MINT] $ 19.95
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #19 Bill Forester
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #20 Bob Gain
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #21 Willie Galimore
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #22 Bill George
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #23 Frank Gifford
Add to cart 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #24 Bill Glass (Browns) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #24 Bill Glass (Browns)   [EX to EX/MINT] $ 17.50
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #25 Forrest Gregg
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #26 Fred Hageman
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #27 Jimmy Hill
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #28 Sam Huff
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #29 Dan James
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #30 John Henry Johnson
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #31 Sonny Jurgensen
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #32 Jim Katcavage
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #33 Ron Kostelnik
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #34 Jerry Kramer
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #35 Ron Kramer
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #36 Dick Lane
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #37 Yale Lary
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #38 Eddie LeBaron
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #39 Dick Lynch
Add to cart 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #40 Tommy Mason (Vikings) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #40 Tommy Mason (Vikings)   [EX/EX+] $ 14.95
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #41 Tommy McDonald
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #42 Lou Michaels
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #43 Bobby Mitchell
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #44 Dick Modzelewski
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #45 Lenny Moore
Add to cart 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #46 John Morrow (Browns) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #46 John Morrow (Browns)   [EX/MINT to NEAR MINT] $ 23.95
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #47 John Nisby
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #48 Ray Nitschke
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #49 Leo Nomellini
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #50 Jimmy Orr
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #51 John Paluck
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #52 Jim Parker
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #53 Bernie Parrish
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #54 Jim Patton
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #55 Don Perkins
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #56 Richie Petitbon
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #57 Jim Phillips
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #58 Nick Pietrosante (Lions) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #58 Nick Pietrosante (Lions)
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #59 Milt Plum (Lions) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #59 Milt Plum (Lions)
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #60 Myron Pottios
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #61 Sonny Randle
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #62 John Reger
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #63 Ray Renfro
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #64 Pete Retzlaff
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #65 Pat Richter
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #66 Jim Ringo
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #67 Andy Robustelli
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #68 Joe Rutgens
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #69 Bob St. Clair
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #70 Johnny Sample
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #71 Lonnie Sanders
Add to cart 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #72 Dick Schafrath (Browns) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #72 Dick Schafrath (Browns)   [NEAR MINT] $ 29.95
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #73 Joe Schmidt (Lions) 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #73 Joe Schmidt (Lions)
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #74 Del Shofner
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #75 J.D. Smith
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #76 Norm Snead
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #77 Bill Stacy
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #78 Bart Starr
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #79 Ernie Stautner
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #80 Jim Steffen
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #81 Andy Stynchula
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #82 Fran Tarkenton
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #83 Jim Taylor
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #84 Clendon Thomas
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #85 Fuzzy Thurston
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #86 Y.A. Tittle
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #87 Bob Toneff
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #88 Jerry Tubbs
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #89 Johnny Unitas
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #90 Bill Wade
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #91 Willie Wood
out 1963 Kahns Wieners Football #92 Abe Woodson
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