1941-1942 War Gum  n card back 1941-1942 War Gum  n card front

1941-1942 War Gum

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*** 1941-1942 WAR GUM ***
Stunning war scenes highlight this set - similar to the very popular 'Horrors of War' set.
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM  - Lot of (5) different 1941-1942 WAR GUM - Lot of (5) different   [EX to EX/MINT]
MacArthur, Boyd the Jap Killer, Doolittle...
$ 29.95
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #  1 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 1 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Nice eye appeal and one of the key cards in this set.
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 2 'First American Shot Fired'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 3 'Admiral Harold R. Stark'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 4 'Dying Captain Carries on'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 5 'Admiral Ernest Joseph King'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 6 'U.S. Destroyer Sinks Enemy Sub'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 7 'Cordell Hull'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 8 'U.S. Sailor Mans Five-Inch Gun Alone'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 9 'Admiral Thomas Charles Hart'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 10 'Defense of Wake Island'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 11 'General Douglas A. Macarthur'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 12 'Rear Guard Holds Japs at Bay' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 12 'Rear Guard Holds Japs at Bay'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 13 'Captain Colin P. Kelly Jr.'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 14 'Filipinos Destroy 154 Jap Boat'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 15 'Winston Churchill'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 16 'U.S. Flier Strafes Jap Airdrome'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 17 'The Chiangs' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 17 'The Chiangs'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 18 'Observer Spots Jap Battleship' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 18 'Observer Spots Jap Battleship'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 19 'General George Marshall'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 20 'Filipinos Attack 54 Jap Planes'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 21 'General Sir Archibald P. Wavell'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 22 'Dutch Sea-Air Offensive' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 22 'Dutch Sea-Air Offensive'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 23 'Luzon's Sergeant York'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 24 'Luzon Repels New Year's Push'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 25 'Luzon's Star Anti-Aircraft Unit' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 25 'Luzon's Star Anti-Aircraft Unit'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 26 'Malayans Check Jap Landing'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 27 'Heron Fights off Jap Planes'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 28 'Trapping Jap Suiced Bicyclists'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 29 'Three U.S. Pilots Faces 108 Japs'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 30 'Commandoes Bag a Jap General'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 31 'Heroic Dutch Stand at Tarakan'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 32 'Major General H.G. Bennett'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 33 'Sub Sinks 17000-Ton Jap Liner'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 34 'U.S. Torpedo Boat Attacks Jap Ship'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 35 'Major Trapnell Wins a D.S.C.'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 36 'Macarthur's Men Beat off Japs'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 37 'Japs Kill U.S. Hero Bailing Out'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 38 'Filipino Guerrillas Raid Airdome'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 39 'Battle of Macassar Strait' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 39 'Battle of Macassar Strait'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 40 'Survives Mine-Blasted Sub'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 41 'Torpedo Boats Attack Jap Bombers'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 42 'U.S. Tigers Blast Jap Column'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 43 '2nd Lieutenant A.R. Nininger Jr.'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 44 'Midway Island Defies the Japs'
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 45 'Guns Blast Corregidor Invasion' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 45 'Guns Blast Corregidor Invasion'   [EX/EX+] $ 7.50
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 46 'Admiral Chester W. Nimitz' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 46 'Admiral Chester W. Nimitz'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 47 'Mixed Battalion Smashes Japs' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 47 'Mixed Battalion Smashes Japs'
Nice clean card with rounding corners.
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 48 'Singapore's Last Hours'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 49 'Corregidor Speaks!' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 49 'Corregidor Speaks!'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 50 'Ex-Football Star is Death to Japs'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 51 'Dutch Kill Sky Troops at Sumatra'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 52 'Filipino Wins Congressional Medal' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 52 'Filipino Wins Congressional Medal'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 53 'Tank-Riding Ingorots Wipe Out Japs' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 53 'Tank-Riding Ingorots Wipe Out Japs'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 54 'Third Congressional Medal Winner'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 55 'Ace Lieutenant Edward H. O'Hare'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 56 'Moro Tribesmen Slaughter Invaders'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 57 'Dutch Hero Destroys Tanks and Self'
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 58 'MacArthur's Planes Sink Jap Ships' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 58 'MacArthur's Planes Sink Jap Ships'   [EX/EX+] $ 7.50
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 59 'Allied Planes Raid Jap Island'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 60 'Bombers Attack Japs in New Guinea'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 61 'Fliers Sail 1000 Miles on Life Raft' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 61 'Fliers Sail 1000 Miles on Life Raft'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 62 'MacArthur Starts Dash to Australia' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 62 'MacArthur Starts Dash to Australia'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 63 'Cruiser's Light Saves 116 Men' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 63 'Cruiser's Light Saves 116 Men'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 64 'Mountbatten of the Commandos' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 64 'Mountbatten of the Commandos'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 65 'Commando Raid on St. Nazaire' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 65 'Commando Raid on St. Nazaire'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 66 'Spectacular 4000-Mile Raid on Phillipines' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 66 'Spectacular 4000-Mile Raid on Phillipines'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 67 'Tokyo Bombed' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 67 'Tokyo Bombed'
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 68 'Boyd Wagner the Jap Killer' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 68 'Boyd Wagner the Jap Killer'   [EX/EX+] $ 8.95
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 69 'British Seize Madagascar' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 69 'British Seize Madagascar'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 70 'The Great Coral Sea Victory' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 70 'The Great Coral Sea Victory'
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 71 'Doolittle Receives Congressional Medal' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 71 'Doolittle Receives Congressional Medal'   [EX/EX+] $ 8.95
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 72 'Daring Sub Saves Corregidor's Gold' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 72 'Daring Sub Saves Corregidor's Gold'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 73 'Hangman Heydrich Assassinated' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 73 'Hangman Heydrich Assassinated'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 74 'Cologne Devastated by 1250 R.A.F. Warplanes' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 74 'Cologne Devastated by 1250 R.A.F. Warplanes'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 75 'British Captures Rommel's Chief Aide' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 75 'British Captures Rommel's Chief Aide'
Card pictures Rommel's aide surrendering next to a shot down Nazi plane bearing it's symbol.
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 76 'Brigadier General Chennault of the Tigers' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 76 'Brigadier General Chennault of the Tigers'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 77 'Ukrainian Guerillas Blast Troop Train' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 77 'Ukrainian Guerillas Blast Troop Train'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 78 'The Battle of Midway' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 78 'The Battle of Midway'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 79 'Ensign Views Midway Battle from Sea' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 79 'Ensign Views Midway Battle from Sea'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 80 'MacArthur's Filipino Aid-de-Camp' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 80 'MacArthur's Filipino Aid-de-Camp'
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 81 'Plane Drops Flag on Unknown Soldier's Tomb' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 81 'Plane Drops Flag on Unknown Soldier's Tomb'   [EX+ to EX/MINT] $ 8.95
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 82 'Army Bombers Blast Japs off Aleutians' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 82 'Army Bombers Blast Japs off Aleutians'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 83 'U.S. Liberators Sink Italian Cruiser' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 83 'U.S. Liberators Sink Italian Cruiser'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 84 'Stalking the Axis Submarine Raiders' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 84 'Stalking the Axis Submarine Raiders'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 85 'Russian Girl Sniper Wins Coveted Medal' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 85 'Russian Girl Sniper Wins Coveted Medal'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 86 'U.S. Sub Sinks Jap Ship at Launching' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 86 'U.S. Sub Sinks Jap Ship at Launching'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 87 'Ship Gunner Braves Torpedoes at Sinking' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 87 'Ship Gunner Braves Torpedoes at Sinking'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 88 'American Aces Smash Jap Airdrome in Canton'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 89 'Yank Flier's Bombs Wreck Nazi Supply Trains' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 89 'Yank Flier's Bombs Wreck Nazi Supply Trains'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 90 'R.A.F. Scourges Hamburg' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 90 'R.A.F. Scourges Hamburg'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 91 'American Marines Attack Solomon Islands' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 91 'American Marines Attack Solomon Islands'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 92 'Navy Task Force Cripples Japs in Aleutians'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 93 'Makin Island Raid' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 93 'Makin Island Raid'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 94 'Eaker Leads First All-American Bombing'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 95 'Dieppe Raided by Commandos' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 95 'Dieppe Raided by Commandos'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 96 'Biggest Air Victory' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 96 'Biggest Air Victory'
Add to cart 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 97 General Charles De Gaulle 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 97 General Charles De Gaulle   [EX to EX/MINT] $ 29.95
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 98 'Wing Commander Douglas R. Bader Legless Pilot' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 98 'Wing Commander Douglas R. Bader Legless Pilot'
An incredible life-story !
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 99 'Emperor Haile Selassie' 1941-1942 WAR GUM # 99 'Emperor Haile Selassie'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #100 'King George VI and Queen Elizabeth' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #100 'King George VI and Queen Elizabeth'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #101 'Miss Lee Ya-chiang China's First Girl Pilot' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #101 'Miss Lee Ya-chiang China's First Girl Pilot'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #102 'Marshall Semion Budenny' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #102 'Marshall Semion Budenny'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #103 'Sergeant Pilot Gareth L. Nowell British Ace' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #103 'Sergeant Pilot Gareth L. Nowell British Ace'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #104 'Victor Talalikhin Russina Air Hero' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #104 'Victor Talalikhin Russina Air Hero'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #105 'Eve Curie, De Gaullist Worker' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #105 'Eve Curie, De Gaullist Worker'
The famous daughter of Nobel prize winner and discoverer of radium, Marie Curie ! She was a tireless worker for the French.
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #106 'Raymond Collishaw Britain's Greatest Aviator' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #106 'Raymond Collishaw Britain's Greatest Aviator'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #107 'Lieutenant General Jan Christian Smuts' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #107 'Lieutenant General Jan Christian Smuts'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #108 'King George II of Greece' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #108 'King George II of Greece'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #109 'Human Bombs Blow Up Tanks' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #109 'Human Bombs Blow Up Tanks'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #110 'Commandos Raid Tobruch' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #110 'Commandos Raid Tobruch'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #111 'U.S. Bombers Attack Subs in Aleutians'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #112 'Cutter Rams Big Italian Submarine' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #112 'Cutter Rams Big Italian Submarine'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #113 'Blasting Japs On Burma Road' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #113 'Blasting Japs On Burma Road'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #114 'Dive-Bombers Sink Returning Japs' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #114 'Dive-Bombers Sink Returning Japs'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #115 'Flying Boat Captures Sub Crew' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #115 'Flying Boat Captures Sub Crew'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #116 'Captain George Ed Kiser' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #116 'Captain George Ed Kiser'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #117 'Willkie Visits World Battle Fronts' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #117 'Willkie Visits World Battle Fronts'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #118 'MacArthur Honors Fighter Hero' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #118 'MacArthur Honors Fighter Hero'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #119 'Melnik the Cossack' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #119 'Melnik the Cossack'
Wow !!! A Melnik the Cossack ROOKIE CARD !!!
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #120 'Marine Peppers Attackers of Hero' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #120 'Marine Peppers Attackers of Hero'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #121 'Yank High-Altitude Bombers'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #122 'Brave Children of Malta'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #123 'Lieutenant Paine Saves 'Phyllis'' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #123 'Lieutenant Paine Saves 'Phyllis''
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #124 'Alaskan Flying Tigers' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #124 'Alaskan Flying Tigers'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #125 'Bombers Fire Lille Factories' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #125 'Bombers Fire Lille Factories'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #126 'Marshal Semion Timoshenko'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #127 'Youngest Soviet Soldier'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #128 'Mt Boats Assail Jap Warships'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #129 'Negro Swimmer Tows Survivors'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #130 'Marauder Blast Jap Destroyers'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #131 'Australia's General Rowell' 1941-1942 WAR GUM #131 'Australia's General Rowell'
out 1941-1942 WAR GUM #132 'Heroic Defense of Stalingrad'
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